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"Albert Einstein" (7 photos)
#bsafe (23 photos)
#bSafecampaign (23 photos)
#UFSAlumni (460 photos)
10-year celebration (1 photo)
2014 SRC Bloemfontein campus (26 photos)
2021 (2 photos)
2021 Chancellor's Inauguration (21 photos)
2024 (311 photos)
2024 December Graduation (510 photos)
2024 December Graduations (3 photos)
2025 (1192 photos)
Academic Avenue (13 photos)
Admin Building (54 photos)
Administration building (5 photos)
Aerial photos (18 photos)
Aerial shot (18 photos)
Aerial view (36 photos)
African studies (11 photos)
Afromontane Research Unit (ARU) (49 photos)
Afromontane studies (29 photos)
Alicia Puren (4 photos)
Alumni (229 photos)
Alumni Awards (575 photos)
Alumni blaz (2 photos)
Alumni blazer (28 photos)
Alumni Blazers (22 photos)
Ambulance (2 photos)
Andre Tredoux (1 photo)
Apps (12 photos)
Aquatics Team (100 photos)
Archbishop Thabo Makgoba (23 photos)
Artistic Background (100 photos)
Athletics (87 photos)
Athletics coach (1 photo)
Athletics day (80 photos)
Athletics Field (275 photos)
Attendees (381 photos)
audeince (11 photos)
Audience (63 photos)
Auditorium (39 photos)
background (52 photos)
Balloons (52 photos)
Banners (200 photos)
Bat education (6 photos)
Benches (10 photos)
Billboard (5 photos)
Bloemfontein Campus (317 photos)
Blue Sky (30 photos)
Board Room (20 photos)
Books (119 photos)
Branding (27 photos)
Buildings (312 photos)
Bull rider (sculpture) (5 photos)
Burta de Kock (2 photos)
Business School (160 photos)
Cafe (20 photos)
Cafeteria (20 photos)
Cake (1 photo)
Callie Human Centre (142 photos)
Callie Human Hall (949 photos)
Camera crew (4 photos)
Cameraman (13 photos)
Campus (20 photos)
Campus life (10 photos)
CampusLife (250 photos)
Casual (7 photos)
Celebration (1087 photos)
Centenary Complex (85 photos)
Centenary hall (4 photos)
Centre for Development Support (CDS) (11 photos)
Centre for Human Rights Studies (41 photos)
Centre of Development Support (20 photos)
Centre of Environmental Management (74 photos)
Centrepiece (1 photo)
Ceremony (22 photos)
Certificates (51 photos)
Chalk Board (3 photos)
Champions 2024 (400 photos)
Chancellor (1 photo)
Chancellor's Alumni Awards (189 photos)
Chancellor's Gown (1 photo)
Chancellor's Inauguration (21 photos)
Chancellor's Office (1 photo)
Chancellor's wife (1 photo)
Cheering Crowds (691 photos)
Cheerleaders (13 photos)
Chemistry (23 photos)
Children's Choir (9 photos)
Choir (380 photos)
choir conductor (1 photo)
Choir performing (17 photos)
Chris Liebenberg (13 photos)
Clouds (2 photos)
Coetzenburg Sports Centre (2 photos)
Colleauges (20 photos)
Colour run (39 photos)
Colourful Faculty Pillars (17 photos)
Colours (94 photos)
Computer lab (23 photos)
Computer system (4 photos)
Concert (136 photos)
Congratulations (302 photos)
Crops (56 photos)
Crowd (2 photos)
Cultural (236 photos)
Culture (236 photos)
Dean of Students (9 photos)
Dean's Talar (5 photos)
Decoration (5 photos)
Department of Paediatrics and Child Health (60 photos)
Department of Plant Sciences (71 photos)
Department of Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences (34 photos)
Department of Zoology and Entomology (58 photos)
DF Malherbe Building (36 photos)
DF Malherbe gate (34 photos)
DF Malherbe House (16 photos)
Division Plant Breeding (56 photos)
Dr Danie Veldsman (18 photos)
Dr Eben Coetzee (28 photos)
Dr Engela van Staden (15 photos)
Dr Jared McDonald (3 photos)
Dr Loyiso Jita (5 photos)
Dr Martin Mandew (12 photos)
Dr Molapo Qhobela (7 photos)
Dr Nkhata (33 photos)
Dr Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka (108 photos)
Dr Surina Esterhuyse (27 photos)
Dr. Francois Jacobs (6 photos)
Dr. Murray Leibbrant (24 photos)
Dr. Nitha Ramnath (13 photos)
Drone (1 photo)
Drone images (36 photos)
Drum majorettes (13 photos)
Drum squad (61 photos)
Eco vehicle (183 photos)
Eco Vehicle Race (378 photos)
Economic & Management Sciences (160 photos)
Eeufees Building (50 photos)
Emergency Services (3 photos)
Entertainer (7 photos)
Entertainment (38 photos)
Entrance (1 photo)
Environment Pictures (11 photos)
Equitas (10 photos)
Equitas building (132 photos)
ER24 (3 photos)
Essay Writing Competition (334 photos)
Eunice Choir (6 photos)
Events (509 photos)
F1 students (88 photos)
F1 students graduation (4 photos)
Face Paint (64 photos)
Faculty Flags (45 photos)
Faculty Heads (3 photos)
Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences (14 photos)
Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences (47 photos)
Faculty of Education (118 photos)
Faculty of Health (208 photos)
Faculty of Humanities (389 photos)
Faculty of Law (248 photos)
Faculty of Law shirts (7 photos)
Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (40 photos)
Faculty of the Humanities (236 photos)
Faculty of Theology (1 photo)
Family (7 photos)
Farewell function (143 photos)
Felix the Mascot (177 photos)
Field Crops (56 photos)
Final (2 photos)
Finish Line (308 photos)
First year athletics (267 photos)
First Year Move In (51 photos)
Flag bearer (27 photos)
flag bearers (17 photos)
Flagpole (1 photo)
Flags (72 photos)
Flora (9 photos)
Flower (1 photo)
Flower arrangement (1 photo)
Flowers (1 photo)
FNB (100 photos)
Food (25 photos)
Francois Retief building (212 photos)
friends (188 photos)
Friends and Family (35 photos)
Friendship (7 photos)
FTENs (21 photos)
FTENs moving in (21 photos)
fun (323 photos)
Fundraising campaign (13 photos)
Gate 1 (148 photos)
Gate 5 (49 photos)
Gazebo (112 photos)
Gazibo (100 photos)
Gazibos (100 photos)
George du Toit building (59 photos)
Gold medals (100 photos)
Grade stock (3 photos)
Graduandi (147 photos)
Graduates (14 photos)
Graduation (564 photos)
Graduation belt (5 photos)
graduation cap (273 photos)
Graduation cap in the air (11 photos)
Graduation gowns (249 photos)
Graduation Performances (13 photos)
Graduation photos (9 photos)
graduation regalia (1243 photos)
graduation stock images (240 photos)
Gradutaion (11 photos)
Greeting (2 photos)
Group photo (63 photos)
Group Seating Area (10 photos)
Guest speakers (359 photos)
Guests (458 photos)
Gustav Roberts (10 photos)
Hand Shake (2 photos)
happy (236 photos)
Happy People (216 photos)
Happy Students (185 photos)
HE Benita Diop (20 photos)
Head Coach Rugby (1 photo)
Head Netball Coach (2 photos)
Health Sciences (253 photos)
Health Sciences Building (208 photos)
Health Students (208 photos)
Helmet (20 photos)
Honorary doctorates (430 photos)
honorary doctorates certificate (94 photos)
hors d'oeuvres (93 photos)
houses (1 photo)
Inaugural Lecture of Prof Aliza Le Roux (100 photos)
Inaugural Lectures (150 photos)
Inauguration (55 photos)
Inauguration lecture (50 photos)
Information (4 photos)
Injured Student (2 photos)
Injury (2 photos)
Instagram Frame (11 photos)
Instruments (26 photos)
Interaction on campus (18 photos)
Interactive learning (35 photos)
Interactivity (258 photos)
Interhouse Gala (294 photos)
Interviews (7 photos)
Jar (1 photo)
Jeremy Smith (32 photos)
Johannes Brill Building (43 photos)
Justice Rangata (66 photos)
Karee Residence (10 photos)
Key Note Speaker (30 photos)
KoviseGear (1 photo)
Kovsie Alumni Awards (31 photos)
Kovsie flags (70 photos)
Kovsie sport (866 photos)
Kovsie Sports (452 photos)
KovsieAquatics (294 photos)
KovsieGear (70 photos)
KovsieGear Store (68 photos)
Kovsies (13 photos)
kOVSIES FLAG (7 photos)
KovsieSport (287 photos)
Lab Coat (42 photos)
Lab Coats (29 photos)
laboratory (29 photos)
Lacea Loader (3 photos)
Laptop (32 photos)
Laughter (109 photos)
Law (168 photos)
Law library (46 photos)
Law students (57 photos)
Legae Residence (20 photos)
Lesotho blanket (100 photos)
Lesotho Hat (100 photos)
Liberty Residence (20 photos)
Library (183 photos)
Library and Information Services (46 photos)
Lieutenant Colonel Dr Rifa Tshivhase (3 photos)
Luncheons (5 photos)
Main Building (472 photos)
Main Building Halls (12 photos)
Main Building Interior (24 photos)
Main Building Offices (27 photos)
Main Building Quad (25 photos)
Main entrance (70 photos)
Main gate (70 photos)
Main Gate Billboard (4 photos)
Main Gate branding (12 photos)
Main Gate Faculty Pillars (9 photos)
Main Gate Pillars (33 photos)
Man in Suit (13 photos)
Marimba (1 photo)
Mascots (12 photos)
Medals (505 photos)
Medic Team (1 photo)
Medical Doctor (65 photos)
Medical students (208 photos)
Mic (13 photos)
Mineral Biochemistry Building (30 photos)
Modlec (15 photos)
Modular centre (15 photos)
Mountains (18 photos)
Move in (10 photos)
Moving in (20 photos)
Music (17 photos)
Musician (3 photos)
Musicians (13 photos)
National Arbor Week 2024 (19 photos)
National flags (6 photos)
Netball (100 photos)
Netball coaches (11 photos)
Netball Court (749 photos)
Netball courts (105 photos)
Netball Players (655 photos)
Netball Team (484 photos)
Netball trophy (20 photos)
Nico Janse van Rensburg (7 photos)
Nicolaas Esterhuysen (35 photos)
Night Photos (17 photos)
Notebook (32 photos)
Notes (32 photos)
Odeion (341 photos)
Odeion Auditorium (482 photos)
Odeion foyer (159 photos)
Odeion School of Music (715 photos)
Odeion School of Music (OSM) (68 photos)
Odeion String Orchestra (100 photos)
Offices (15 photos)
Opening (50 photos)
outdoors (7 photos)
Panic button (4 photos)
Paramedic (3 photos)
Pedestrian crossing (42 photos)
Pedestrian Gate (42 photos)
Pep Rally (94 photos)
Performance (449 photos)
Performances (25 photos)
PhD Awards (145 photos)
PhD Regalia (110 photos)
PhD students (8 photos)
Picture frames (3 photos)
Pink Cafe (40 photos)
Pit Stop team (208 photos)
pitstop crew (75 photos)
Plant Science laboratory (19 photos)
Plants (12 photos)
plaque (4 photos)
Posters (94 photos)
Postgraduate School (43 photos)
Presentations (227 photos)
Prof Akilagpa Sawyerr (5 photos)
Prof Aliza le Roux (105 photos)
Prof Aliza le Roux and family (100 photos)
Prof Aliza le Roux and friends (100 photos)
Prof Bonang Mohale (224 photos)
Prof Bonang Mohale wife (1 photo)
Prof Bradley Smith (100 photos)
Prof Bradley Smith Inaugural Lecture (45 photos)
Prof Brownhilder Neneh (163 photos)
Prof Brownhilder Neneh and family (55 photos)
Prof Danie Brand (42 photos)
Prof Francis Petersen (254 photos)
Prof Francois Strydom (2 photos)
Prof Linus Franke (34 photos)
Prof Lochner Marais (31 photos)
Prof Loyiso Jita (3 photos)
Prof Maryke Labuschagne (56 photos)
Prof Michael Pienaar (35 photos)
Prof Murray Leibbrandt (20 photos)
Prof Patricks Otomo (58 photos)
Prof Paul Oberholster (51 photos)
Prof PD (Danie) Vermeulen (16 photos)
Prof Philippe Burger (18 photos)
Prof Phillipe (13 photos)
Prof Serges Kamga (47 photos)
Prof Stephen Brown (45 photos)
Prof V Ralph Clark (49 photos)
Prof Vasu Reddy (432 photos)
Prof. Anthea Rhoda (32 photos)
Prof. Phillippe Burger (24 photos)
Professor (11 photos)
Programme (1 photo)
programme director (2 photos)
Projector (16 photos)
Projector screen (13 photos)
Protea (1 photo)
Protection Services (23 photos)
Quinter Onyango (6 photos)
Qwaqwa Campus (252 photos)
Qwaqwa Campus Graduations (276 photos)
Qwaqwa Lab (3 photos)
Race (100 photos)
Race Car (195 photos)
Racecourse (283 photos)
Reading (32 photos)
Rector and Vice-Chancellor (9 photos)
Rectorate (4 photos)
Red carpert (2 photos)
Red Carpet (241 photos)
Red hair (2 photos)
Red tree (11 photos)
Refreshments (194 photos)
Reitz Hall (13 photos)
Road (2 photos)
Rocks (18 photos)
Rolihlahla Mandela Hall (6 photos)
Round Table Dialogue (215 photos)
Rugby (403 photos)
Rugby trophy (358 photos)
Running (100 photos)
Sannamarena (100 photos)
Scaffolding (10 photos)
School Children (10 photos)
School Children singing (10 photos)
School Choir (10 photos)
School of Music (87 photos)
Sci-Ed Building (198 photos)
Scie-ed Centre (14 photos)
Science Education Centre (98 photos)
Seating (1 photo)
Seating area (1 photo)
Seating Areas (10 photos)
Security cameras (1 photo)
selfie (7 photos)
Serero Modise (6 photos)
Shadow (4 photos)
Shadows (9 photos)
Shimals (20 photos)
Shimlapark (309 photos)
Shimlas (927 photos)
Shimlas Fans (129 photos)
Shimlas vs Ikeys (309 photos)
Sick Person (2 photos)
Sign (3 photos)
Simien Mountains National Park Ethiopia (46 photos)
Singer (11 photos)
Singers (324 photos)
sky (2 photos)
smiling (3 photos)
Social Innovation Indaba (43 photos)
Solar Panels (35 photos)
Sound crew (4 photos)
South African flag (86 photos)
South African Sign Language (SASL) (2 photos)
South African Sign Language (SASL) Interpreters (2 photos)
South Campus Students (20 photos)
Speaker (160 photos)
Speakers (417 photos)
Spectators (937 photos)
Speech (93 photos)
Sportsgames (100 photos)
staff (32 photos)
stage (1 photo)
stage performance (103 photos)
Stair Case (12 photos)
Stands (19 photos)
statue (9 photos)
Stcok Image (100 photos)
Stellenbosch (2 photos)
Stock Image (1395 photos)
stock images (2612 photos)
Stock Photo (60 photos)
Store Opening (68 photos)
Striped Kovsie blazer (40 photos)
Student (108 photos)
Student Access (42 photos)
Student Activities (433 photos)
Student Affairs (91 photos)
Student Campus Life 2025 (119 photos)
Student Card (42 photos)
Student Group (185 photos)
Student Interaction (7 photos)
Student Interactivity (74 photos)
Student Life (220 photos)
Student Relations (20 photos)
Studentlife (1174 photos)
Students (991 photos)
Students campus life (358 photos)
Students F1 (136 photos)
Students graduating (540 photos)
Study (26 photos)
Study Group (66 photos)
Study Groups (47 photos)
Study Space (46 photos)
Study Time (46 photos)
Sunset (13 photos)
Supersport TV (13 photos)
Supporters (94 photos)
Swim Team (100 photos)
Swimmers (100 photos)
Swimming gala (194 photos)
Swimming Pool (100 photos)
Swimmingpool (100 photos)
Talar and Cap (1 photo)
Talars (21 photos)
Temba Hlasho (27 photos)
Textboks (32 photos)
Thakaneng Bridge (5 photos)
Theology Building (5 photos)
Tree of Knowledge (Sculpture) (1 photo)
Tree planting (19 photos)
Trees (2 photos)
Trophy (771 photos)
Tv streaming (3 photos)
UFS (1016 photos)
UFS Advertising (10 photos)
UFS Backpack (4 photos)
UFS bag (4 photos)
UFS Banners (4 photos)
UFS Bloemfontein (100 photos)
UFS Bloemfontein Campus (3238 photos)
UFS branding (323 photos)
UFS buildings (354 photos)
UFS Business School (55 photos)
UFS Chancellor (21 photos)
UFS Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumni Awards ceremony (353 photos)
UFS Choir (200 photos)
UFS Clothing (9 photos)
UFS Communication and Marketing (4 photos)
UFS deans (5 photos)
UFS Eco Vehicle Race (415 photos)
UFS Events (1444 photos)
UFS Faculties (10 photos)
UFS Flag (16 photos)
UFS graduates (315 photos)
UFS Graduation Ceremony (1486 photos)
UFS Guests (254 photos)
UFS Logo (269 photos)
UFS Main Gate (74 photos)
UFS Marketing (5 photos)
UFS Netball (544 photos)
UFS Netball team (878 photos)
UFS Rugby (611 photos)
UFS Sasol library (46 photos)
UFS Shimlas (85 photos)
UFS Sports (111 photos)
UFS Staff (433 photos)
UFS State of the Nation (9 photos)
UFS tshirts (57 photos)
UFS virtual graduation (6 photos)
UFS vs UJ (383 photos)
UFS vs UJ netball (100 photos)
UFS vs UP (143 photos)
UFS101 (36 photos)
uniform (10 photos)
University mascots (6 photos)
University of the Free (91 photos)
University of the Free State (1151 photos)
University of the Free State Drone Picture (9 photos)
University of the Free State Qwaqwa Choral (22 photos)
University of the Orange Free State (3 photos)
Varsity athletics (19 photos)
Varsity Cup (610 photos)
Varsity Cup 2024 (200 photos)
Varsity Cup final (409 photos)
Varsity Cup Finals (100 photos)
Varsity Netball (102 photos)
Vase (1 photo)
VC (1 photo)
VC Concert (563 photos)
Veld (58 photos)
Venue (11 photos)
Vice Chanellor (100 photos)
Vision 130 (198 photos)
Vision130 (72 photos)
Visitor's Centre (49 photos)
Visitor's Gate (49 photos)
Waiters (8 photos)
Waiting Area (15 photos)
Wall Background (35 photos)
Welcome Back (200 photos)
Welcome to UFS picture frame (11 photos)
Welcoming (103 photos)
Zoology laboratory (23 photos)
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Francois van Vuuren (310 photos)
Kaleidoscope (772 photos)
Kaleidoscope Studios (377 photos)
Stephen Collett (477 photos)
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